Monday, 28 November 2011

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Review: Xbox 360

This will be my first review EVER so don't expect greatness.  Ill be reviewing Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 for the Xbox 360 (Ill refer it to UMVC3 from this point on).

UMVC3 has recieved a lot of complaints since its announcement because people who bought the first MVC3 are upset because now they have to buy the game again and others dont want to buy it because they think that this wont be the last version of the game so they dont want to buy it, but for those who knows that its going to be a good game and those who played MVC3 seriously and competitively have already budgeted to buy the game, but the main question that anyone asks themselves when buying a new game is "WHY?". I will try and answer these questions.

The 12 new cast members
One of the first reasons why you will buy this game is because you can identify the differences that distinguish MVC3 and UMVC3 from each other. UMVC3 recieved 12 new characters as well as balance changes, better netcode, spectator mode for online lobbys, different HUD and menus and a new mode called Heros and Herelds mode which will be available as free DLC. Most people would wonder why this entire game wasnt relesed just as DLC. Its pointless to argue about this because either way it would add up to the same price that your paying for a solid copy. The new cast adds a whole new level of depth to the game because nobody knows anything about them and your forced to experiment with them in training mode, which is fun, but only to those who have the mental capacity to do so. I thought that the balance changes were not going to change the game that much but UMVC3 feels like a completely different game now, MVC3 was suppose to be "beginner friendly" but in UMVC3 it seems like they made it even more friendly, because they took out all the gliches that benifited the person using it (the DHC glich), there are still gliches in the game but they dont benefit either player, all they do is annoy you.

What i think Capcom did with this game is that they wanted to please those who were faithful to the previous game and I think that they succeded, this game is absolutly incredible, it feels fresh, almost like a brand new game.

Buy or Dont buy:

If you have bought MVC3 and had the patience and the mental capacity to learn how to play the game then you have already bought it or you are planning to buy it at the end of the month and it is almost guarenteed that you will enjoyed this game. If you havent bought the previous game then im not sure if you will like this game, but its worth a shot, the community for fighting games has grown dramatically ever since 2009 and this game is really cheap so you can easily budget for it.


UMVC3 is a great game with enough new content to keep you hooked for a long time and all the gameplay and network changes make the game easier to play online.

The Verdict:

+New characters
+Balance changes
+Better online features
+Value for money

-Learning curve

Ill give this game:


That about does it for my review on Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 for the Xbox 360.

Let me know if this review helped you and let me know what I can do better.Thanks guys. PEACE.

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